4 Quotes & Sayings By Cobie Smulders

Cobie Smulders was born on July 17th, 1986 in the province of Alberta, Canada. She is an actress and model. In 2007, she began her acting career by appearing in the feature film "All the Wrong Reasons". Her first major television role was in the show "How I Met Your Mother" from 2005-2014 Read more

In 2015, she had a role in the movie "Pitch Perfect 2". In 2017, Cobie had a minor role in "Captain America: Civil War" and then a major role in the movie "How I Met Your Mother: The Movie", which released in November 2018.

I was on a strict diet to stay in shape for 'Jack Reacher, ' but each day on set in New Orleans, catering dropped off delicious food at my trailer. Cobie Smulders
I had to get healthy for a period in my life, so I learned a lot about food and diet. Cobie Smulders
There are two kinds of people in crisis situations - those who fight and those who freeze. I'm a freezer, and that's just going by the couple of surprise birthday parties I've had thrown for me. Cobie Smulders